Snider Strategies

Elevate the Impact of Your Work.

Let's build a narrative around your accomplishments to help your team communicate more effectively than ever. From strategic communications plans to audits of existing plans and executions, staff and executive trainings and turnkey production of video and other media, Snider Strategies works with leaders and teams to produce excellence on deadline. And we’re a joy to work with.

Communicating strategy

At the heart of com­mu­ni­ca­tions, the writer’s eye with the advocate’s pur­pose and the reporter’s pas­sion for dead­line, deliv­ered through the full-range of con­tent, includ­ing video, speech­es, OpEds and blogs, annu­al reports and inter­nal communications.

Developing organizations

With team build­ing and lead­er­ship expe­ri­ence in the pri­vate, non­prof­it and gov­ern­ment sec­tors, we can join with you to moti­vate indi­vid­u­als and inspire groups to build focused work prod­ucts backed by a sense of mis­sion and accomplishment.

Executive profile

The way lead­ers talk about them­selves and the way for­ward – needs relent­less dis­ci­pline and inte­gra­tion into an organization’s pub­lic pro­file. Building this requires jour­nal­ism and thought lead­er­ship, oppo­si­tion research and video and event design.

Managing Reputation

Analyzing an organization’s vul­ner­a­bil­i­ties and log­jams, ensur­ing its lead­ers are influ­en­tial, its staff engaged and effec­tive, its allies and key con­stituen­cies sup­port­ive, and its events flaw­less and impactful.


You need to reach sup­port­ers and recruit new ones, increase audi­ence engage­ment, par­tic­i­pate in dia­logues that mat­ter and make a vis­i­ble impact. 

For an inter­na­tion­al asso­ci­a­tion, we wrote and helped exe­cute a plan to engage sup­port­ers in the six glob­al regions aimed at influ­enc­ing pol­i­cy at the United Nations. To increase engage­ment, we com­bined social and user-generated media with a sig­na­ture video to ele­vate the organization’s sup­port­ers and part­ners around the world.

A nation­al orga­ni­za­tion in the US faced a lead­er­ship chal­lenge to uni­fy mes­sag­ing and mis­sion across its affil­i­ates. So we took nation­al issues local. In key states, we devel­oped tai­lored Op-Eds and blogs that car­ried the nation­al mes­sage with spe­cif­ic angles to raised their local pro­file and sharp­en sup­port for the nation­al structure.

For an orga­ni­za­tion with a half-dozen active pro­grams spread across 40 states, the chal­lenge lay in prov­ing to its mem­bers and poten­tial fun­ders that the enter­prise is coher­ent. A sto­ry­telling video stitched each of the pro­grams togeth­er in a vis­i­ble and emo­tion­al way, mak­ing the brand­ing unmis­tak­able and tar­get audi­ences more sup­port­ive than ever.


Nonprofits, gov­ern­ment agen­cies, depart­ments and pub­lic affairs oper­a­tions devel­op silos that can dupli­cate effort, dilute resources and dis­tract the atten­tion of staff and audi­ences. We can fix that.

For a non­prof­it with mul­ti­ple state affil­i­ates look­ing to influ­ence edu­ca­tion poli­cies, mul­ti­me­dia sto­ry­telling stitched local suc­cess into a nation­al advo­ca­cy cam­paign, with mul­ti­ple videos and blog posts, speech­writ­ing and print mate­ri­als, and events. Combined with social and earned media out­reach, the effort won high praise from inde­pen­dent evaluators.

For a DC trade asso­ci­a­tion with an indus­try under fire, we audit­ed the assets and tuned in close­ly to the com­peti­tors. By dis­till­ing what our client knew into usable con­tent and con­nect­ing it to an effec­tive com­mu­ni­ca­tions pipeline through email, the web and social media, our client won strong praise and sup­port from the crit­i­cal audi­ence – its own members.

Taking charge of an orga­ni­za­tion takes min­utes on paper, but real­i­ty is tougher. Silos, lega­cy projects, and inter­nal resis­tance can length­en and dead­en tran­si­tion. We went to work, con­duct­ing dozens of hours of one-on-one inter­views, a con­stituent sur­vey and a review of the paper and plat­forms, report­ing out spe­cif­ic actions the new leader could put to work imme­di­ate­ly.